What Fires More Calories - The Elliptical Or the Treadmill

With the surge in popularity of cross trainers, it is not surprising that the question of what burns more calories has become quite popular. These machines provide you with a low impact workout, but can you really call them exercise machines? The answer to that question depends on what your goals are. If you are looking for a way to burn more calories while exercising then there are several options available that include treadmills and elliptical machines.


The treadmill was invented for the purpose what burns more calories an elliptical or a treadmill. However, because the frame moves at different speeds, you do not have to walk or run in order to burn calories. Instead, when you place your feet on the foot pedal you are pedaling. As you speed up the momentum behind you causes your body to burn calories even when you are not moving. When you slow down after pedaling you are still getting the same amount of calories burned, but they are much more efficiently utilized.


A well designed elliptical trainer provides a continuous motion that you can use to train your upper body as well as your legs. This elliptical movement causes your upper body to work and burn calories without causing a great amount of stress on your lower back. Your lower back is less susceptible to injury if you choose a machine that offers a smooth continuous motion.


Some people choose to use the treadmill as a cardiovascular exercise machine. In this case the treadmill adds a much higher impact than walking does. Because your arms are working to keep your balance, you end up burning more calories than if you were simply walking. Also, the constant movement adds up to significant force and can cause damage to ligaments and tendons. When you take all of these factors into consideration the calorie burn from a treadmill is greater than any other means of exercise.


The elliptical trainer offers other options when it comes to working out. It can be used to increase the intensity of your cardiovascular training. You can also add in the ability to burn calories while increasing the speed at which you go. This adds a new dimension to the activity, making it both more difficult and more effective. Because the elliptical has a variety of motors and flywheel controllers you can set the level of difficulty according to your current physical condition and ability.


Choosing an exercise machine can be very exciting. When you think about what burns more calories an elliptical or a treadmill, the two choices are almost a mirror image of each other. As you look deeper into the differences between the two, you will find the choice becomes clear. The elliptical is the clear choice when it comes to the calorie burning factor. In addition, using an elliptical trainer can be the most convenient way to exercise.


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